

MOF is cloud native FinOps platform for multi-cloud which aims to help user use cloud like a professional solution architect.


MOF provides bellow core sets of features:

Cost analysis#

Commonly asked questions!

  • What is cost of this month/year?
  • How about the trends of cost?
  • Which linked_account/region/service cost most?
  • Which team/feature cost most?
  • With Cloud Tags

MOF will collect and generate Unit Cost Metrics from cloud provider via API implemented by cloud providers.

What is unit cost metrics?

A common definition for unit economics is direct revenues and costs, associated with a particular business model, that are specifically expressed on a per-unit basis. Measuring Unit Costs from FinOps foundation


High level metrics which defined and provided by cloud provider itself.


Region is concept defined in Cloud.


Cloud services.


In order to answer question of Which team/feature cost most?, user needs to organize tags to resources.

It is always a best practices to tag resources by team/user/feature while provisioning.


Comparing with old cost metrics which could be only seen as bar chart, MOF use sankey charts to help user validate unit cost at one glance.

Cost forecasting#

Another important features in MOF is forecasting cost in clouds with multiple dimensions.

Factors affect cost forecasting:

  • Resource consumption history
  • Resource price
  • Payment type
  • Algorithm

Forecasting algorithm!

MOF is using facebook prophet to forecasting cost. However, it is rough forecasting modle. MOF will keeps on optimizing forecasting algorithms.

Cost optimization#

MOF will focus on optimization of Computing, Database, Storage, Network and Kubernetes in cloud services which is most commonly used services.

Every service have different optimization aspect. Bellow aspects are the sequence of MOF will implement.

  • Unused
  • Right Sizing
  • Architecture refactoring
  • Other based on service features

Cloud architecture management#

It is always import for cloud users to have a high overview of resources using currently. MOF will collect most commonly used resources from Cloud and show it to users as tree chart view.

Cloud offer management#

Offer management will collect cloud service prices in order to provide optimizations.

Cloud tag management#

In order to let user tag resources in a convenient way, MOF also provides tag management interface to users

Reserved instance management#

Reserved Instances (RI) provide a significant discount compared to On-Demand pricing and provide a capacity reservation.

MOF provides management console with bellow features.

  • Recommendation
  • Utilization
  • Coverage
  • Inventory

Spot instance management#